Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reminder: 'Nucks and Pucks Reader Comment Awards

Back in January I announced the first semi-annual 'Nucks and Pucks Reader Comment Awards. There were some great comments made in the first six months of the blog, and I am happy to see this trend continuing as the 'Nucks and Pucks one-year anniversary approaches.

The deadline to be considered for Version 2.0 of these prestigious prizes, which earn the winners limited edition 'Nucks and Pucks beers, is fast-approaching: only comments posted between January 1 and June 30, 2009 will be considered.

Therefore, this is a reminder to regular and casual readers to continue to post intelligently, hilariously, obnoxiously and/or excessively in the next month. The awards up for grabs are the Hart Trophy (best comment), the Art Ross Trophy (most comments) and the Calder Trophy (best comment section newcomer).

In addition, I am introducing a new award: the Tom Larscheid Award, given to the commentor that most blatantly exhibits Canucks favouritism/homer-ism. Anyone who has listened to the Canucks radio/internet broadcasts knows that Larscheid's passion for the Canucks is immense, and in that spirit this award is designed to encourage more pro-Canucks chatter in the comments section.

Some of you have mentioned to me that you've had trouble posting comments. I am fairly certain that if you have a Google ID (eg. if you use gmail) it should not be a problem, but let me know if issues persist.


pete said...


pete said...


pete said...


pete said...


pete said...


pete said...


pete said...


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Mark Norman said...

@ Pete - Way to go, that's kind of like scoring 9 empty-netters to capture the Rocket Richard Trophy!

pete said...

I feel like a millionaire in Germany in 1923!