Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Hangover


Yeah, it happened. And I am not happy about it.

I will have to write more about it I guess, but my off-the-cuff thoughts right now (it's 2:00 AM) about the series:

First off, I will give the 'Hawks credit - whenever it seemed like a normal team would quit, they just kept coming. I was entirely sick of the whole "they're so young they don't know any better" judgment that infused the Hockey Night broadcasts, but there is no doubting that the youthful enthusiasm of the 'Hawks carried them through the rough times and helped spark their remarkable comebacks.

I was not thrilled with the officiating in the past few games. Yes, I am biased in the Canucks favour. But it seemed to me that the Canucks had a number of marginal calls go against them, while at times the Blackhawks had to be one degree removed from bloody murder to get a penalty. I do not think that this was a conspiracy or anything like that, I just think that the Canucks got a bit ulucky in terms of what the refs did and didn't see/call.

The two-seconds-after-the-pass hit on Alex Edler in the first set up a 2-on-1 break for the 'Hawks that could have caused a goal, despite the blatant interference. Ryan Kesler got brutally laid out on a completely unnecessary hit that went uncalled, despite the fact that Kesler was down and bloodied for some time. When the Canucks responded with a similar hit by Rick Rypien they got whistled for it. Meanwhile, the "hooking" call on Shane O'Brien in the 3rd was marginal at best.

The Canucks did not lose because of the officiating. They lost because of what Chicago did when they had the chance. The 'Hawks turn the screw like no other team I've seen before. But as a fan, it was tough to see what seemed to be inconsistent officiating give the 'Hawks multiple opportunities to get back into games the Canucks might have otherwise closed out.

I am still steamed over the "hook" on Dustin Byfuglien in Game 2, which was in fact Byfuglien just losing his footing and smashing into Roberto Luongo, that gave the 'Hawks a powerplay with the Canucks up 2-1. A half-minute later the Canucks shot the puck over the glass, giving Chicago a 2-man advantage upon which they converted to tie a game they would go on to win.

Anyway, I am probably just bitter at this point. I don't feel that the Blackhawks did not deserve to win the series... but similarly, I do not feel that the Canucks deserved to lose it. And the way in which they lost was extremely frustrating.

These Chicago Blackhawks make me think of what I imagine the 1980s Edmonton Oilers were like. It doesn't matter the score, they just keep coming at you again and again, and the capitalize on any mistake you make. I don't know that they will be good enough to knock off Detroit (or maybe Anaheim) in the conference finals, but I do think that they are the most terrifying team left in the post-season. No lead is ever safe against this team.

So here's to the Canucks 08-09 Edition, a team that fit Prototype B of Canucks squads - lovable losers who overachieve (Prototype A is lovable losers who underachieve, but this team only comes around once or twice every decade).

If someone told me in September that the 'Nucks would make it to Game Six of the Round Two I would have seen that as a reasonable and respectable conclusion to the season for this version of the team. Unfortunately, expectations were raised due the Canucks fantastic last few months of the season and quick dispatch of St. Louis in Round One. But, if we can improve from here (ie. Gillis re-signs the Sedins, Luongo plays a brilliant and healthy season, and Cody Hodgson plays like Steve Yzerman Jr.) then who knows how next season will go? Right?

'Cause, well, "next season!" has been the only rallying cry I've ever known as a Canucks fan.


JRI said...

Don't feel bad Normy. Any Leaf fan under the age of 42 has the exact same rallying cry.

R. A. DePalma said...

Thank you for putting into words my feelings on the series and the season. Cheers to a better run next year.

pete said...

I agree that the whole "They're too young and dumb to know any better!" shtick was awfully annoying. In general, broadcast crews have had serious crushes on both the Blues and the Hawks, I've found. Especially on the Hawks.

Well, here's hoping that the new shtick is "Those Great Veteran Warriors are sure schooling those young, dumb up-and-comers as they complete this devastating four-game sweep!" (Yes, I always cheer bitterly against whichever team has just eliminated the Canucks.)