Sunday, August 23, 2009

SB Nation and my first Fan Post

If you haven't heard about SB Nation, it is well worth checking out. SBN acts as a sort of umbrella for a variety of high quality sports blogs covering nearly every NHL, NBA, NFL and MLB teams, as well as a variety of other sports including NCAA basketball and football. SB Nation is self-described as:

"a collection of over 200 individual communities, each offering high quality year-round coverage and conversation led by fans who are passionate about their favorite teams, leagues or sports."

One exciting feature of SB Nation are Fan Posts, which allow everyday fans to contribute their insight to a well known and respected blog. The posts appear on a sidebar of the main site and may get picked up on the main page of the blog.

The Vancouver Canucks SB Nation blog is 'Nucks Misconduct, which is well worth checking out. I have occasionally linked to it from 'Nucks and Pucks, and if you haven't checked it out yet I suggest you do so. It has quickly become one of my daily stops on the ol' World Wide Web.

Furthermore, I have officially entered the Fan Posts fray and have contributed my first post to 'Nucks Misconduct. It is fun to reach a wider audience than my small, but loyal (thanks guys!) readership, and I'm happy to see that the post has generated a fair bit of discussion about the upcoming Canucks season.

I'll still be writing here on 'Nucks and Pucks, but plan to contribute the occasional post on SB Nation. So keep your eyes peeled to 'Nucks Misconduct and you might just see a familiar writer popping up on the sidebar from time to time!


pete said...

Way to wow 'em over there. You're the best Canucks writer going, so it's good to see a bigger audience base reacting to your stuff...

Mark Norman said...

Thanks Pete!