Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gallery: Ugly uniform portraits

In the wake of my new NHL marketing suggestion - Worst Uniform Night - I was inspired to create some images of what this may look like in reality. What follows is a gallery of portraits featuring contemporary NHLers sporting some of their respective teams' worst ever uniforms.

Please note, the following portraits are very ghetto - I can only do so much in Microsoft Paint, and the $1 I've earned in ad revenue over the past year won't quite cover an upgrade to Photoshop. Let me know if you enjoy these, and I'll try to do some more of them. If you have suggestions for players/uniforms you'd like to see, then fire away in the comments section.

Portrait #1 - Daniel Sedin and Alex Burrows, "'V' for Vendetta"

Portrait #2 - Keith Tkachuk, "Tuning up for the game"

Portrait #3 - Mike Richards, "All for one, and one for Cooperall!"

More to come???

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