Monday, July 20, 2009

Apologies for the radio silence

I haven't been able to post in some time, due to a combination of schoolwork, travel and the wedding celebrations of a very good friend. I am currently in one of the NHL cities that has not won a cup since 1967,* before returning home to another next week. I'm not sure how much time I will have to post while I'm away, but keep checking back throughout the dog days of summer. For those of you wondering what is coming up on the blog, here is a preview of coming attractions:

- Continuing to revisit my frequently-terrible predictions for the 08-09 NHL season

- A couple creative ideas for the NHL to increase local fan interest

- A look at some of the biggest hockey upsets of all time

- And, of course, the long-awaited Mid-Year Reader Comment Awards

Hope you are enjoying the summer, and thanks for reading!

* The complete list is: Atlanta, Buffalo, Chicago, Columbus, Los Angeles, Miama (Florida), Minneapolis-St.Paul (Minnesota), Nashville, Ottawa, Phoenix, San Jose, St. Louis, Toronto, Vancouver, Washington

1 comment:

R. A. DePalma said...

Hey! What do you make of the pick up of Samuelsson?