Friday, May 8, 2009

More playoff beard fun

Hope you enjoyed the first installment of "Pete's Playoff Beard" a few days ago. Hopefully the Canucks pull their socks up (let's just not talk about last night, okay?) so his beard has a chance to reach Grizzly Adams-esque proportions soon.

Speaking of playoff beards, here are a couple more fun stories that I recently came across. First off there is this entertaining read from The Hockey News, featuring some wicked photos of Chris Mason and Scott Neidermayer, as well as some advice on how to tell playoff-Daniel from playoff-Henrik.

Secondly, there is this commercial which was posted on Puck Daddy two weeks ago. It is YouTube gold:

Too bad the boys in the ad couldn't help Sidney Crosby out. The dude is trying but, as you can see from this picture, not succeeding very well in his playoff beard efforts.

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