Friday, February 19, 2010


Hi folks. I have decided to try to restart my efforts to update 'Nucks and Pucks, which I have neglected due to my writing at Nucks Misconduct. What I hope to do is to post about once a week on 'Nucks and Pucks, probably with a few random thoughts on hockey and the Canucks.

I will still be writing more Canucks-specific material at Nucks Misconduct, so please do check that site out. If you want to look back at what I've written for the site you can check out my profile and the archive of my posts here.

So I look forward to more regular postings here at 'Nucks and Pucks, and hope that you, my loyal readers, will enjoy. My first upcoming piece will be a discussion of international women's hockey, and the controversies that are currently swirling as a result of the absolute domination of the sport by Canada and the US. Look for that in the next couple days.

In the meantime, to announce my return to regular blogging here, I hand the mic over to Terrell Owens, who composed this song upon his arrival to the Dallas Cowboys for the 206 season - and in the process provided one of the more hilariously bad athlete-turned-musician moments of the past decade. But tell me you can't get that chorus out of your head...


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