Thursday, December 4, 2008

Proper levels of pugnacity, testosterone, truculence and belligerence?

I had a random thought today: at one point (2005-06) the Canucks roster featured four of the more hated players in the game: Jarkko Ruutu, Matt Cooke, Alex Burrows and (oh yeah, him) Todd Bertuzzi.

While Brian Burke was no longer the GM at this point, his right hand man Dave Nonis had taken over the reigns. The squad still had Burke's fingerprints all over it though. And we all know what Brian Burke wants in a hockey team: "proper levels of pugnacity, testosterone, truculence and belligerence. That's how our teams play." That, and polysyllabism.

Given the amount of peskiness and cheap-shottery on this 05-06 squad (a 24-year old rookie named Kevin Bieksa also played half the season, racking up 77 penalty minutes in 39 games) how were the Canucks not the absolutely most reviled team in the NHL?

I figure it must be the fact that there were four affable, neutral Swedes on the team as well. Everyone loves the Swedes, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So there's a tradition to uphold. Mike Gillis, take note: Sean Avery needs a hockey home, and Claude Lemieux is considering a comeback. Take that Sedin money and spend it on tradition!

DISCLAIMER: this comment is sarcastic. Commenter does not wish to cheer for Avery, ever.