Thursday, October 2, 2008

If Borat was a Canucks fan, he might be something like this

Sure, most Canucks fans are debating the controversial Luongo captaincy decision or celebrating the team`s 6-0 preseason record right now. I, however, am preoccupied by Ivan Hrvatska, the Croatian Canucks super fan. He is apparently also the Captain of the Croation Drinking Team, so perhaps he can give Luongo some tips on leadership. And partying all year.

This guy is amazing, as the news report below proves. Hryatska became a Vancouver fan when he first "watch hockey game, and then I tell you, I lose mind for Canucks!" With outbursts such as "I bring number one song from Croatia to number on hockey team Vancouver Canucks!" Hrvatska's passion and zaniness come through. His personality strikes me as a mix between Borat and Alex Ovechkin, probably because of the combination of extreme enthusiasm and obvious ESL-ness.

And in case you are wondering, you can listen to a portion of Hryatska's hit-in-the-making here. It's both outdated and very forward-looking, as it references ex-Nucks Dan Cloutier and Markus Naslund as well as the Sundin Twins (who the Canucks will presumably sign to identical $10 million/year contracts in 2030).

1 comment:

Graham said...

hahaha mark, this is quite the find... up there with maurice for most hilarious hockey songs (perhaps even better).